Sports and Dormitory Complex

Where is the benilde sports and dormitory complex located?

The Benilde Sports and Dormitory Complex is a five-story structure situated at San Isidro Drive in between the cities of Pasay and Manila.

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There are 16 rooms on each floor. Each room can accommodate 4 people. The 2nd and 3rd floors are assigned for male and another two floors are dedicated for female student residents. There are a total of 64 rooms and currently is equivalent to 248 beds capacity.

There are dedicated floors for our student scholars/residents like the athletes who also use the other side of our building for their athletic training.

Starting AY 22-23, there are slots available for paying students on a first come, first served basis. Priority will be given to students who are enrolled in the face-to-face classes in Benilde.

The available allocation of scholars with dorm privileges is determined by the Center for Scholarships and Grants (CSaG). The concerned office (e.g. Center for Sports Development) submits a recommended list to CSaG based on training requirements, teams' involvement in NCAA, and academic support needed.

The student resident is subjected to a per term contract agreement subject to face to face enrollment and regulations of the dorm.

The interested student submits an application form to

For inquiries, you may send an email to

The Head of the Student Residence Unit evaluates and approves the application. The applying student resident should pay the one-month security deposit.

The dormitory is supervised by the Head of the Student Residence Unit of the Center for Student Life and is assisted by the Coordinators.

All programs and activities are coordinated with the respective coaches and the CSD Director/CSaG Director whoever is applicable.

The paying student resident will pay for monthly rental in the amount of PHP 6,500 which includes water and internet services. Each room has its own sub-meter and electricity costs are divided and shared by room occupants.

Food and laundry services are not included as well and may be sourced out to nearby service providers.

The student residents must be fully vaccinated (received complete 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine).

They must also submit the following:

  • Accomplished Student Residences Contract
  • Accomplished daily health declaration form

The Center for Emergency, Management, Safety and Security have designated Security personnel to guard the facility and its premises.

The student residents should abide by the curfew time set. Daily room checks and monitoring are also done by the assigned Coordinators.

The student residents are organized and are led by the Student Residence Hall Council. They are elected representatives who are tasked to assist in implementing the student development programs (assemblies, student formation/training) and various fellowship activities.

Like in any home, rules and guidelines are essential to keep everything in order.

These include curfew at 11:00 p.m., room cleanliness and order maintenance, adherence to weekend passes if leaving premises, and strict observance of safety protocols. Details are indicated in the student resident contract and the Benilde Undergraduate Student Handbook which will be discussed during the dorm orientation.

Student residents would need to bring their own pillows, bedsheets, blankets, personal clothes, and toiletries.

Each student will be provided with a bed and mattresses, assigned storage cabinets, and study tables. We hope that personal belongings will be kept to a minimum to avoid overcrowding the shared space.

interested to stay at benilde SDc?

Limited slots in the dormitory for paying students are given on a first-come, first-served basis.

contact us

For more information about the Benilde Sports and Dormitory Complex, email us at

For other concerns, check out our office directory or submit a ticket at Benilde Hub for Info.

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